Get In Shape with the Boiled Egg Diet

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Have you been wanting to get back in shape lately? Maybe start preparing for next summer and want to get healthy? Are you tired of trying out strange diets that don’t seem to be doing anything for you?

Here’s an interesting alternative to a good, healthy and effective diet that will help you lose a couple of pounds (24 to be exact!). Read more about the Boiled Egg Diet below.

We all know that boiled eggs have incredible nutritious benefits that can improve your health in an amazing way, however, they’re also one of the key foods you should think about when starting a weight loss journey.

By focusing on citric fruits, certain vegetables, and eggs, you will slowly but surely build a healthy and beneficial diet for yourself. You will burn fat without feeling hungry or like you’re lacking energy.

At the same time, another important thing to consider is how much water you drink. Water nourishes the body while keeping it hydrated and removing harmful toxins at the same time.

The average water intake that is crucial for your health is eight glasses a day. Drinking water is important because it’s the greatest and elementary form of detox.

If you put this diet into practice properly, you will lose about 24 pounds in just two weeks. In addition, like every other diet, you need to keep in mind to limit the consumption of salt, alcohol, soda, and sugar.

Below is your diet plan for the next two weeks! Read carefully and follow the instructions. Good luck!


  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, and boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch – Two slices of whole-wheat, get some fruits and veggies too.
  • Dinner – Salad of your choice with a slice of chicken breast
  • Breakfast- A citric fruit of your choice – boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch- Chicken breast and green salad
  • Dinner – Eggs, from one to two, a veggie salad oranges
  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice – boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch- A tomato, a slice a non-fattening cheese, and one slice of whole-wheat bread
  • Dinner – Chicken breast with salad
  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, and some boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch – Fruits
  • Dinner – Steamed chicken breast and salad
  • Breakfast-  A citric fruit of your choice, boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch – Veggies cooked on steam, boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Dinner – Barbecued fish and a salad
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  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice and a salad
  • Lunch – Fresh fruit of your choice
  • Dinner – Steamed chicken breast with salad on the side
  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch – Chicken breast with veggies baked on steam and tomato salad
  • Dinner – Steamed vegetables


  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch – Chicken breast with salad
  • Dinner – Two eggs, salad, and one orange
  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, boiled eggs, from one to two
  • Lunch – Veggies baked on steam
  • Dinner – Barbecued fish and a salad
  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, boiled eggs, from one to two
  • Lunch – Chicken breast and a salad
  • Dinner – Veggies, boiled eggs, and 1 orange.
  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, boiled eggs, from one to two
  • Lunch – Couple of eggs, from one to two, a slice of cheese that’s low on fats and some veggies.
  • Dinner – Steamed chicken breast and a salad.
  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch – Salad with tuna.
  • Dinner – 2 eggs and some salad
  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch – Chicken breast and a salad.
  • Dinner – Fresh fruits.
  • Breakfast – A citric fruit of your choice, boiled eggs, from one to two.
  • Lunch – Chicken breast and veggies baked on steam
  • Dinner – Same as lunch.

This is a low carbs diet. Even though it’s healthy and completely harmless to the body, make sure to consult with your doctor before starting any type of dietary plan.

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