20 Foods to Consume for a Better Eyesight

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If you start getting headaches because it’s getting harder and harder to focus on what you’re doing because of your eyesight, you should start taking care of that problem. It’s important to eat food that packs lots of vitamin A.

With this in mind, we’ve found out about these 20 foods for you to consume if you’re trying to fix your eyesight.

Proceed down below for more information!


Everyone loves a nice juice tomato. Did you know that one medium-sized tomato packs enough vitamin A to get you through an entire day? Not only that, but it also packs vitamin C as well.


Cantaloupes pack lots of vitamins and other nutrients that you can benefit from immensely. In fact, a wedge of cantaloupe provides you with a whopping 120% of your needed vitamin A intake.

Beef Liver

Not only does beef liver contain vitamins A and C, it can really help you out through your battle with anemia. A hundred grams provide you with even 300% of your daily needed vitamin A.

Iceberg Lettuce

Not only does Iceberg Lettuce consist of only 10 calories, but it also packs a lot of vitamin A as well. There’s basically no reason for you not to make it part of your diet.


Who doesn’t love a juicy peach to refresh themselves? Eating a medium-sized peach provides you with 10% of your needed vitamin A intake. They also pack lots of phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are delicious veggies that you can incorporate into your diet. A medium-sized sweet potato provides you with a whopping 440% of your needed vitamin A intake.

Red Bell Peppers

These peppers contain lycopene, and vitamins C and A as well. One bell pepper contains only 37 calories as well!

Cod Liver Oil

You can have cod liver oil in two ways – a capsule and liquid form. This oil packs lots of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and D. There are only 126 calories in a serving size.

Turkey Liver

This liver contains only 273 calories per serving size. It also contains 1507% of the needed intake of vitamin A you need in a day. We are positive you get the idea.


A serving of mangoes contains only 107 calories, and it provides you with a whopping 36% of your needed vitamin A intake.


Spinach is not only healthy, but it’s also incredibly good for you. It packs vitamins K, C, and A, as well as manganese, calcium, and iron. A serving of spinach contains only eight calories as well.

Turnip Greens

Leafy greens are always a good idea! Not only are turnip greens good for you, but a serving contains only 18 calories and lots of vitamin A.

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Fortified Oatmeal

A serving of oatmeal only has 159 calories. In those calories, you get lots of vitamins D and A, as well as 29% of your needed vitamin A intake for the day.

Whole Milk

A serving of milk contains only 146 calories. Not only does it taste absolutely amazing, but it is also good for you, and it contains vitamins A and D, as well as magnesium, calcium, and protein.


Carrots are one of the healthiest veggies you could ever possibly consume. A serving of carrots provided you with 200% of the needed and recommended daily vitamin A intake. Not only that, but carrots also pack lots of magnesium, fibers, as well as vitamins B, C, and K.

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash packs lots of beta-carotene. This is further on metabolized to vitamin A once digested properly. 400% of the needed vitamin A intake is what you’re provided with when you consume a serving of butternut squash.

Dried Basil

Just a serving of dried basil provides you with 15% of how much vitamin A you need for one day.


There are so many things you could do with paprika in the kitchen. This versatile veggie packs 69% of the recommended daily vitamin A intake, as well as potassium, vitamin C, and calcium per serving.

Dandelion Greens

A serving of this natural antioxidant provides you with 100% of the recommended vitamin A intake per serving. Not only that, but dandelion greens also pack lots of iodine and calcium.


A serving of kale provides you with 200% of the recommended vitamin A intake. It is also very low in calories with a serving consisting only of 34.

Good luck!

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