How Castor Oil Boosts the Immune and Lymphatic System

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Castor oil can be a potent remedy for many problems. No wonder why it is the best remedy for treating various ailments. The reason for this is because castor oil can offer a huge amount of benefits for your hair, skin, and overall health.

Moreover, it contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which made this oil a must to use back in the day. The way that people extract the oil is by pressing the seeds of the castor plant.

Furthermore, this ingredient is an important raw material which is a part of many soaps, cosmetics, medicines, textiles and even oils for a message.

Benefits of Castor Oil

Due to the ricinoleic acid and fatty acid it contains, castor oil has many healing abilities, such as:

  • supporting the lymphatic system
  • easing itching and swelling on the skin
  • fighting skin infections and disorders
  • helping with pregnancy and labor
  • helping with skin inflammation, ringworm, keratoses, abrasions and fungal infections
  • hydrating chapped lips
  • improving constipation
  • increasing circulation
  • preventing the growth of bacteria, yeast, molds, and viruses
  • removing toenail fungus
  • restoring hair
  • treating acne
  • treating painful sunburns

How Castor Oil Affects the Immune and Lymphatic System

The castor supports the lymphatic system, which in turn can have some major immune-enhancing effects. Furthermore, the most important role of the lymphatic system is to remove and absorb the waste materials, excess fluids, and proteins in our cells.

In addition, the lymph nodes act as a natural filter for toxins that pump out antibodies and keep the bacteria and proteins at bay. However, if this system doesn’t work correctly, then it means that many cells are possibly degenerating or are not healthy anymore.

In the end, it could lead to a destruction of some organs. Such an example is the coronary heart disease, which can occur if the lymphatic system is not functioning properly and causes tissue damage. But, aside from the lymphatic system, the castor oil can also boost the immune system.

Therefore, it can boost the circulation and create defensive antibodies which in turn can be beneficial for the immune system.

The Immune Function

By improving the lymphatic drainage, the castor oil can boost the blood flow and improve the gland health.

By positively affecting all these things, the castor oil can boost multiple immune functions. Furthermore, it can help produce a proper level of lymphocytes, that range from the thymus gland, lymph nodes, spleen, and the tissue in the small intestine.

In addition, the castor oil can improve the digestive system, circulation, and heart health.

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The Dosage of Castor Oil

The amount of castor oil you can use depends on what you use it for, along with your medical condition, age, and the laxative treatments you get. Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions on the package on the castor oil pack.

In addition, don’t increase the recommended dosage by yourself, and make sure to always consult with your doctor before making any sudden changes. If you use castor oil to massage certain areas, then there is no restricted amount you should use.

But, if you want to consume it as a form of laxative, then you should read the label. However, know that the oil has a terrible smell and taste, so dilute it first before directly taking it. Normally, the recommended dosage for adults is a teaspoon per day on an empty stomach.

However, that doesn’t mean that everyone’s system will react the same way. So, consuming it in the appropriate amount can boost your blood flow, regulate the bowel movements and maintain proper health.

Castor Oil as a Skin Moisturizer

If you have dry skin, you should try using some castor oil. By deeply penetrating the skin tissue, it can nourish and make the skin look healthy by keeping the oil in control. Besides, many expensive moisturizers contain this oil and promise such results.

But, why spend so much money, when you can have your own skin moisturizer. However, this oil is thick and a bit tricky to apply on the face. Therefore, you will have to use a teaspoon and rub it between the palm of your hands and onto the skin.

Make sure not to apply too much of it, because a little goes a long way. Plus, your skin will absorb the oil very quickly.

Have you tried using castor oil before? Tell us your thoughts and leave us a comment. If you liked this post, share it with friends and family.

Source: Smart Cooky | Style Craze | Dr. Axe | Natural Living Ideas

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