Science Explains 6 Benefits Of Jogging

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Jogging is a fairly simple exercise. It requires no special equipment, you don’t have to go to the gym to do it, and you can burn around 398 calories in a single hour from this workout!

But not everyone is a fan of jogging. For some, it can feel tedious and tiring, especially if you don’t have access to a large enough space to run around in. But jogging has tons of health benefits that can make those hassles all the more worth it.

With obesity levels increasing all around the world, it’s more important than ever that you add some form of exercise routine to your daily schedule. Jogging might just be the perfect exercise for you, and its positive sides definitely make it a great option.

Here’s How Science Explains 6 Benefits Of Jogging

1.    It Improves Joint And Bone Health

There is a misconception that jogging is automatically extremely bad for the lower half of the body, putting unnecessary pressure on joints and bones that can lead to the development of arthritis. However, this is actually completely false!

The Harvard Medical School found that most forms of standard physical exercise, including walking, running, and jogging, do not actually negatively impact the risk of developing arthritis. As a matter of fact, jogging has more benefits for the joints and bones and can make them stronger, reducing arthritis risk!

Studies have found that jogging has positive effects on bone density. This is because regular jogging activities put more pressure on the bones than they are used to, so bone tissue starts to prepare for and adapt to the additional load, protecting bones and tissue from damage and making them strong.

In addition, jogging has also been found to create positive results for the joints. This is because it strengthens cartilage and is actually able to boost the biochemistry and composition of joint cartilage. So not only does moderate jogging make healthy joints healthier, but it also is a good way to prevent the onset of knee osteoarthritis in those vulnerable to the disease.

  • With that being said, jogging is one of the most bottom-stressful of the trifecta of standard physical exercise: walking, jogging and running.
  • As such, if you already have bad knees or already have arthritis, the extra lower-body stress of jogging may not be suitable for you.
  • Speak to your doctor before starting to jog if you have joint pain in your legs.
  • You should also speak to a doctor if your legs or knees hurt after jogging.

2.    Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose some weight, jogging could be the exercise that helps you burn off the calories you need. Of course, this depends on how intensely you jog, your speed, your current weight, the terrain, and the frequency of your exercise. But you could get rid of some serious weight by adding jogging to your regimen or making it your main workout.

On top of that, jogging is a great way to help the metabolism increase significantly. This is because a lack of activity can cause the metabolism to slowly deteriorate, causing much slower calorie burning. This can be why you find yourself gaining more weight. Getting back into the habit of exercising can lead to a smoother, faster metabolism.

But how much, exactly, can jogging burn?

  • Running a 9-minute mile can burn between 290 calories and 365 calories within thirty minutes.
  • A slightly slower 5-mile-per-hour jog run can burn between 240 and 355 calories within that time, too.
  • All in all, jogging will provide highly positive results when it comes to calorie-burning for weight loss.
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90% of people who lose weight successfully consider exercise the main reason behind that success. But it must be done properly, and you should be exercising moderately, not overdoing it or doing it too little. Really looking to burn those calories? Jog uphill at a relatively moderate to fast pace for up to an hour several times a week.

3.    Improving The Cardiovascular System

The cardiac system is extremely crucial to health. Running and jogging can help build strength within the left ventricle of the heart. After all, the heart is a muscle, and jogging can cause it to pump blood more efficiently.

When the pulse rate drops during running to keep you strong and ablr to carry on without suffering a too-fast, dangerous pulse, your body takes up a bit more oxygen than normal. This causes blood circulation to become more stable.

If you’ve eaten carbs recently, jogging will help to burn off the excess energy before it is turned into fat stores, allowing your body to efficiently use up the calories you consume. Those who run or jog are found to have much healthier cardiovascular systems than those who do not exercise – just one of the many benefits of jogging.

Jogging is an aerobic exercise, so it brings down the risk of developing an ischaemic heart disease significantly for even more positive effects. If that wasn’t enough, jogging can also help regulate blood pressure, which helps keep your heart healthy. Studies have found that daily exercise, whether walking or jogging, brings blood pressure of the systolic kind down by a significant amount, reducing hypertension across all ages.

Those who have diabetes or already have a heart condition should speak to their doctor before beginning jogging. The same goes for those who are already overweight.

4.    Improving The Respiratory System

Jogging puts a lot of strain on the respiratory system. Did you know that you use a whopping 10 times more oxygen up when you go through even light or gentle exercise as compared to when you’re sitting at rest?

This is why jogging can help the respiratory system. It strengthens the lungs, enabling more efficient work through larger lung capacity. This lets air travel and exchange within the lungs and the whole respiratory system at a much faster and easier rate.

Plus, jogging allows the body to use oxygen more efficiently when done over time. It trains the muscles and bodily tissues to stretch out available oxygen to provide as much energy as possible to them.

  • Of course, do note that this strengthening action happens over time, not all at once.
  • Regular jogging will slowly allow for more air space within the lungs so you can enjoy longer jogs without feeling tired.
  • You’ll notice that your stamina increases the more you work out!
  • Do keep in mind that if you have asthma, you should speak to your doctor before attempting jogging as an exercise.
  • That said, it is possible for those with asthma in controlled conditions to enjoy jogging.

5.    Boosting Mental Health

Jogging isn’t just good for physical health – it’s great for mental health, too. It helps keep your brain sharp and fresh, allowing for better cognitive function. A more active body can help boost creativity, improving your concentration, performance at work, and even memory.

Why does this happen? Well, when jogging, you breathe in more oxygen, which travels to the brain and provides additional oxygen that helps it function more efficiently. It can help relieve stress and anxiety due to this fact, allowing for clearer thought and more opportunity to think creatively and innovatively.

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Studies have also found that regular exercise in general, including jogging, can reduce brain inflammation. This helps new blood vessels to grow within, allowing for new brain cells to be produced at a healthy rate. This enable the brain to continue to develop and stay healthy.

Aside from physical brain health, psychological health is also improved through jogging. It can make you feel happier through an increased production of endorphins, which are essentially feel-good hormones that help your positive thinking. Although this can just be a short-term kick at first, with regular exercise, you can enjoy more long-term mental health benefits.

Finally, jogging can be great for individuals living in their golden years. Its mental benefits can reduce the chances of developing dementia and other mental degenerative disorders. It’s a great, positive habit for older individuals to incorporate into their daily routines.

6.    Increasing Lifespan

Jogging can help you to live longer. Just jogging for around one hour per week can significantly increase life expectancy, even by 6 years when jogging slowly, according to Dr. Peter Schnohr, a heart expert of Danish nationality. His research has supported the idea that even mild, calm exercise can provide many benefits.

This is supported by the fact that jogging, and other kinds of physical exercise, can reduce the chances of developing certain potentially life-threatening diseases. This is due in part to how it helps your health. Jogging can also make sleeping easier, and good sleep puts you at lower risk of developing dangerous diseases.

  • One of the most compelling benefits of jogging is how it can reduce the risk of developing cancer.
  • One of the reasons behind the development of cancer is the decreased strength of the immune system. This is often compounded by a history of cancer.
  • Even if it’s in your genetics, jogging and engaging in physical activity can reduce cancer risk.

According to a recent study, higher physical activity is directly related to a lower chance of developing cancer entirely. It’s a benefit of jogging that is difficult to ignore. Of course, the most interesting part about research and science in relation to jogging and a long life is that it seems like jogging is a great way to reduce all-cause mortality. So no matter what you’re trying to avoid, jogging should be able to prevent it.

Final Thoughts On The Benefits Of Jogging, According To Science

Jogging is a great exercise habit to incorporate no matter your age. You can be old or young and still enjoy countless benefits, from a stronger heart to more positive thinking, to better immunity.

As an easy form of exercise, jogging is a very simple form of exercise. Additionally, it doesn’t require a high expense to carry out. Just wear the right gear and go to a park, get on a treadmill, or jog around your neighborhood!

Talk to a doctor or relevant medical health professional before embarking on your new jogging regimen. This ensures that you exercise at the right rate for your current state of health and wellbeing.


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