If You Add This to Your Orange Juice, You’ll Get a Natural Remedy for Flushing Nicotine Out of Your System

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In case you want to stop smoking, you should be aware that nicotine is flushed out of your system after 2 or 3 days. But, there is a way to eliminate nicotine from the body naturally and quickly.

Tartar cream represents a byproduct of the process of wine making and it efficiently supports the removal of nicotine from the body.

It’s worth mentioning that this is a cheap remedy that delivers a wide range of health benefits even to people who have never smoked.

People frequently use tartar cream in the form of a powder. This powder is called potassium hydrogen tartrate. This is actually a sediment obtained from the wine barrel’s bottom.

Now let’s check the 5 incredible benefits of the cream of tartar:

1. It stabilizes blood pressure

If the level of potassium in the body is low, then there is a great chance that the level of blood pressure is high. However, the tartar cream can help people experiencing blood pressure issues. Just 100 grams of this cream contains fantastic 16,500 mg of potassium. In case lack of potassium is the main reason behind high blood pressure problems, simply take one glass of water with one teaspoon of tartar cream and consume this mixture before bedtime.

2. It supports your efforts to stop smoking

In addition to its ability to eliminate nicotine from the system quickly, this cream can also make people dislike the taste of cigarettes. In case you mix this cream with orange juice the effects will be even better. The orange juice is loaded with vitamin C and this will help you remove nicotine faster and it will normalize the level of vitamins in the body which means that it will improve your overall health.

Feel free to take ½ of a teaspoon filled with cream of tartar and a medium glass of fresh orange juice and mix them. Take this mixture before bedtime for 30 days.

3. It soothes UTI

Cream of tartar is also able to soothe urinary tract infection (UTI) because it alters the levels of pH in our urine and makes an environment which is able to eliminate bacteria which lead to infections. Put 1 ½ teaspoons of cream of tartar in one cup of warm water. Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to improve the effects. Drink this mixture 2-3 times a day.

4. It soothes arthritis pain

Just 100 grams of this cream contains two milligrams of magnesium. According to many experts, this mineral shapes the cellular events involved in the process of inflammation. So, the cream of tartar can do wonders in arthritis sufferers. Simply add two tablespoons of this cream and three tablespoons of Epsom salt directly to your bath.

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Stay in it between 30 and 40 minutes every day. In case you have arthritis pain that is localized, feel free to use a bucket that contains the aforementioned ingredients. This time, you will use half of the amount we’ve mentioned above. Remember to soak the problematic area in the mixture.

5. It eliminates acne

The cream of tartar is known for the acidic effects it provides. That’s why this cream is so great for skin cleansing and fighting acne. Remember that you should not use it directly on the skin. It is the best idea to consume a teaspoon of this cream mixed with a glass of water or orange juice (eight ounces) every day. In this way, you will destroy the bacteria that are causing acne and your skin will look smooth, rejuvenated and fresh too.

Want to learn even more about the cream of tartar? Check out this video from Joni Hilton!

Source: Organic & Healthy

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