This Is Why You Need to Eat Almonds to Balance Your Cholesterol

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Almonds are a great source of calcium and vitamin E. Therefore, they are a great food for lowering the cholesterol. All you have to do is simply add the almonds to your regular diet without making any significant changes.

But, if you like the almonds to have a lasting effect, you should eat fewer animal fats and other foods that contain a lot of cholesterol. Thus, you will be able to reduce your LDL cholesterol levels. There are multiple reasons why you should start consuming almonds on a daily basis.

But we will focus on how much and why you should eat them. Besides, they are the most famous food out there, especially for people with diabetes.

How Many Almonds You Should Eat

If you are aiming for lowering 10% of your cholesterol level, you should consume around 73 g of almonds per day. In other words, half a cup of almonds is enough because it contains 400 calories.

According to studies, if you consume a few almonds per day there will be no harmful effects.

So, if you take a dose of ¼ cup of almonds, your LDL cholesterol levels might reduce by 5%, but if you take ½ a cup, it will reduce by 10%, as studies claim. However, there is no evidence about consuming a full cup of almonds.

Therefore, you shouldn’t take any risks and consume more than a cup per day.

What Studies Claim

Could it be that easy to control cholesterol levels? Well, according to research issued in the Journal of Nutrition, these nuts can have a powerful effect on the cholesterol levels. However, they can work in both ways, either positively or negatively.

But they are useful for improving the mechanism in the body, decreasing the LDL cholesterol, increasing the HDL cholesterol and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disorders. As a result, another study followed. At the Penn State, researchers calculated the HDL levels of participants.

The participants who ate 1/3 cup of almonds had improved HDL cholesterol levels, and the other participants who only ate banana muffins didn’t have similar effects.

A professor of nutrition, Penny Kris-Etherton, stated that in his study that evidence show almonds can lower LDL cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart disease. However, there is not enough evidence on how the almonds affect the HDL cholesterol.

There are some results that almonds were helpful for HDL function because the compounds inside the almonds gather cholesterol from all the tissues and cells and leave them in the liver. Thus the liver takes care of them and breaks them down.

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Furthermore, there was another study where 48 women and men participated. All of which had increased LDL levels. That is why they took a diet that lasted for six weeks. But, two groups took different snacks.

As a result, the group that ate 43 g of almonds per day had more significant effects on their cholesterol compared to the other group that took banana muffins instead. Researchers measured the cholesterol levels of every participant and compared all of the results.

In addition, the group that consumed almonds had increased HDL function by 6.4%, while the other group had increased their HDL particles by 19%. Kris-Etherton stated that with this study you could see the results and how the particles respond to the consumption of almonds.

Later in the body, these almonds can become small particles which in the long run can remove cholesterol inside the liver and the body. That is why eating almonds might prove efficient for losing weight and strengthening your heart.

This, in turn, will help you reduce the chance of a cardiovascular disease. However, eating only almonds for lunch and dinner is not a good idea. Instead, you should consume them as a healthy snack.

Plus, they are full of soluble fiber, vitamin E, and nutrients. Therefore, they can be an excellent way of maintaining a healthy life and heart.

Heart Disease in America

If you want to have a long and healthy life, you should strengthen your heart. Heart diseases in America are rampant. More than 84 million people have cardiovascular disease, which can result in 2,000 death per day.

Even medical professionals think that one in every three deaths is a result of a cardiovascular disease. What is even more frightening is that cardiovascular diseases can occur even before the age of 75.

Quick Ways to Eat Almonds

If you feel inspired to try and improve your heart and health, but you don’t know where to start, try the following ideas.

  • Use some almond butter in a breakfast shake to get a better taste and more proteins
  • Mix some chopped almonds and dried fruit in some plain yogurt
  • Eat almonds with apple slices
  • Add some chopped almonds to a chicken salad
  • Slice almonds and use them as a healthy saute with curried veggies
  • Eat almonds with fresh garden peas, currants, and cold rice salad

Source: Natural News | HealthAliciousNess | Sharecare | Whfoods

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