9 Ways To Use Turmeric to Relieve Inflammation

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There’s nothing wrong with healthy amounts of inflammation. But, when taken too far by the body, it can lead to several – if not virtually all – chronic diseases common in the West. This includes cancer, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and even Alzheimer’s.

It’s safe to say that long-term inflammation is unwanted by everyone. But keep your positive thinking going, because turmeric may have the answer! It contains curcumin, which is the component that gives the root its bright, orange hue.

Curcumin is absolutely stuffed with all sorts of beneficial nutrients and benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties. As a matter of fact, this nutrient is so efficient and powerful at this that it’s just as effective as many common drugs and medications designed to fight inflammation – all without the side effects.

But turmeric isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. So, how can you use this root in your daily diet?

Here Are 9 Ways To Use Turmeric To Relieve Inflammation

1.   Vegetables

We hope you’re getting more than enough vegetables in your diet, as they have many positive effects on inflammation to the point of preventing heart disease. If you are, then you likely make baked or roast veggies quite regularly. Now, all you have to do is add some turmeric to them.

But how? When you mix your vegetables in seasoning before cooking them, add some turmeric powder seasoning first, along with your standard salt and pepper, olive oil, or even coconut oil, depending on your personal preferences.

All vegetables go fine with turmeric, but the absolute best ones to try are:

  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Carrots
  • Beets

2.   Curry

The best part of turmeric is the part that provides you with the most health benefits: curcumin, which becomes easier for your body to use when mixed with fats or spices. As such, it’s no surprise that curry is the perfect dish in which to add some inflammation-relieving turmeric.

Your best bet is to make some form of curry powder. The standard recipe for good, tasty curry is:

  • 8 parts of coriander, ground
  • 4 parts of cumin, ground
  • 1 part of turmeric
  • 1 part of either paprika or cayenne (can be increased or decreased to taste)

If you’re not much for powdered curry, you can do a slightly more traditional take on it with the following ingredients:

  • One pound of ground meat (preferably chicken or pork)
  • Half of a head of shredded cabbage
  • 6 ounces of coconut milk (unsweetened)
  • Three sliced garlic cloves (thinly cut)
  • One sliced onion, small (thinly cut)
  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • One tablespoon each of fresh, grated ginger and turmeric
  • A quarter cup of water

Here’s what to do with those ingredients:

  • Step 1: Heat oil in a skillet.
  • Step 2: Add your chosen meat. Cook until it is browned.
  • Step 3: Toss in your spices, as well as your garlic and onion. Allow heating for an additional 5 minutes.
  • Step 4: Pour your coconut milk and water into the skillet. Heat well, and once cooked through, turn the heat off.
  • Step 5: Add your cabbage, shredded, into the skillet and mix.
  • Step 6: You’re done! Serve as desired.

You can also make curry-infused rice specifically with turmeric. Here are the ingredients necessary:

  • One cup of rice
  • One teaspoon of garlic powder
  • Half a tablespoon of turmeric, grated finely, OR half a teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • A quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • A quarter teaspoon each of salt and pepper

Simply mix the spices in a good blend, then add it to a saucepan with your rice as it starts to cook. You can eat it however you’d like.

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3.   Smoothies

It doesn’t sound very appetizing, but smoothies are one of the best places to add some turmeric, especially if you’re not a big fan of the root’s taste. While it does cause the smoothie to turn quite a bright orange color in most cases, you probably won’t actually taste the turmeric at all!

You can add just one or two pinches of turmeric root, ground, into any of your favorite smoothies or juices. Yes, we know it sounds dubious, but trust us. You won’t even notice the difference, and you’ll be getting the extra positive benefits. We call that a win-win.

4.   Golden Turmeric Milk

This Ayurvedic drink has its roots in ancient medicinal recipes, and it is known to provide countless benefits, including:

  • Inflammation reduction
  • Stronger memory and cognitive ability
  • Antioxidant, antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties
  • Better mood and positive thinking
  • Balanced blood glucose levels
  • Improved bone strength
  • Heart disease protection
  • Improved digestive function

The first thing you need to make to create golden milk is a turmeric paste, which can be done by taking half a cup of water – filtered and clean – and simmering it gently, then mixing one-quarter of a cup of ground turmeric into it. Keep stirring until paste forms, which may take up to 10 minutes.

Next, you’ll want to get your dairy of choice. You can opt for:

  • Standard dairy milk
  • Nut milk
  • Goat milk
  • Oat milk

Once you’ve chosen, take one cup of the milk and pour it into a saucepan, then mix it with half a teaspoon of your turmeric paste. You’ll want to cook it for around five minutes on medium-low heat.

After this is done, you can add more things to your golden milk, such as:

  • Ghee
  • Coconut oil
  • Black pepper
  • Ginger
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon
  • Maple syrup

Enjoy your golden milk, which tastes good, relaxes your body, and is fantastic for fighting inflammation, among other health issues. You can store a batch of the milk for up to a fortnight in your fridge.

5.    Eggs

All eggs could do with some dressing up with a little turmeric – specifically, with powder. Just mix a pinch or so into your eggs, no matter how you make them: scrambled, poached, as an omelet, or even baked.

You don’t need to add a lot of turmeric powder to your eggs if you don’t like it, and in small amounts, you won’t even notice it’s there. If you do like that flavor, though, you can add more to give a good taste kick to your eggs while making the overall dish much more anti-inflammatory.

If you’re feeling more ambitious, you can make a special turmeric omelet that serves as a fantastic, healthy breakfast. Here are the necessary ingredients:

  • Six eggs
  • One tablespoon of grated turmeric, fresh, OR two teaspoons of turmeric powder
  • Between two and three cups of your choice of chopped, cooked vegetables (a great place to use your leftovers!)
  • Two ounces of coconut milk, unsweetened
  • One chopped onion, small
  • Your choice of oil for cooking
  • Salt and pepper as per your preferences

Here’s what to do with those ingredients:

  • Step 1: Heat your oil in a skillet. Cook onions until they appear translucent.
  • Step 2: Throw in the necessary spices and allow to continue heating for a minute.
  • Step 3: Pour your vegetables in. Let them heat through.
  • Step 4: Beat your eggs. Add salt, pepper, and coconut milk to taste.
  • Step 5: Add this egg mixture to your vegetables.
  • Step 6: Continue to cook on low heat with the skillet covered for between 15 and 20 minutes, or until your eggs are nice and cooked.
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6.    Tea

You can make turmeric into a tea that tastes refreshing, calming, and provides a good bit of bite. At its base, all you have to do is add some turmeric slices to a pan of boiling water and allow the mix to simmer for 8 to 10 minutes, or as long as necessary.

Then, you can add in whatever you like to the drink to make it better suit your tastes, like:

  • Cloves
  • Ginger
  • Honey
  • Lemon

Add a dash of pepper to your tea to make the turmeric more bioavailable so you can better absorb its delicious vitamins. For a little sweetness, you can add some rice malt syrup. If you’d like your tea to be a bit creamy, whether in taste or in texture, you can also mix in:

  • Coconut milk or water
  • Coconut oil
  • Vanilla (fresh pods work best)

7.    Soup

Turmeric is a delicious and rich addition to your favorite soups. Yes, absolutely all of them! It creates more depth to them, making their flavors fuller without overpowering them with that signature turmeric taste and scent.

All you need to do is add a little dash of turmeric – or even a cube of about 1cm of the chopped root – to your soup of choice. For the chopped root, blend it into the soup. For the dash of powder or ground turmeric, just add it indirectly while cooking.

Seeing as soups are a feel-good food, often enjoyed in times of illness, this is a great way to get a healthy, inflammation-fighting sprinkle of turmeric into your get-well-soon meals. Chicken and vegetable soups taste best with this addition, but creamier options, as well as virtually anyone you can think of, will do the trick.

8.   Golden Turmeric Honey

Just like golden milk is milk infused with turmeric, golden honey is simply honey infused with that same root. It provides countless benefits, especially from an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory perspective.

All you need is raw honey and turmeric powder. Just mix up 7 parts of your honey of choice with 1 part turmeric powder. Then take half a teaspoon every few hours and dissolve it inside your mouth to enjoy the benefits.

If you’re not much for consuming golden honey this way, you can make them into gummy bears! Just add your choice of organic gelatin (preferably grass-fed) and use it with your previous mix to create easy-to-eat gummy bears that taste just like candy.

9.    Mustard

Did you know that you can make mustard with turmeric? This way, you can add it to your favorite meals easily, without needing to go completely healthy in all aspects. You’ll need these ingredients:

  • Half a cup of ground mustard
  • One teaspoon of turmeric
  • Two tablespoons of white wine vinegar
  • One teaspoon of salt
  • One tablespoon of water

All you have to do is mix up all these ingredients together, and just like that, you’ll have mustard packed with turmeric! Scoop your blend up into a glass jar and keep it in your fridge for easy access.

Final Thoughts On Some Ways To Use Turmeric To Relieve Inflammation

If you like turmeric, you’ll be astounded by the number of dishes made better with its addition. If you don’t like turmeric, then you’ll be equally astounded at the number of consumables it can be added to without being noticeable!

The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric simply can’t be denied, and are even better when you add black pepper! By adding some of this root to your everyday diet through these easy methods, you’ll be able to fight chronic inflammation and ward off serious diseases.


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