Neuroscientists Strongly Recommend that You Visit the Beach Regularly. Here’s Why

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Despite the amazing feeling we get when we spend our time at the beach,  enjoying the sun, the warm sand, and the blue waters, apparently, the beach offers much more benefits for our physical and mental health that we all imagined.

According to a study published in The Journal of Environmental Psychology published a study, the beach offers impressive restorative benefits.  J. Aaron Hipp, A Ph.D. the author of the study, an environmental expert and an assistant professor at the Brown School, says:

“Many studies have proven that natural environments such as waterfronts and beaches can offer more benefits to humans than the gyms, built urban environment and entertainment venues.

The most restorative environment at the beach is when the tides are low and the day temperatures are mild. People who were visiting the beach, on a day that was about 3 (F) warmer, than other days, have 30% decreased chance to perceive the coastal park or beach as restorative, comparing to the ones that were visiting the beach when it was colder.”

The beach is a place where everyone seems to feel happy, and no one has ever returned from there feeling bad, stressed, or worse than before. The calming effects are felt from the very second you step out into the sun.

According to The Facts Site:

“ Both the sun and the waves combined work to completely relax your body, release you from your aches, and free you from daily stresses. Not only is serotonin almost immediately released when you arrive on the beach, (serotonin is a key hormone for relaxation and happiness), but the sound and visuals of the beach and ocean are simply so soothing and peaceful.

It’s for the calming effects of the sound that crashing waves are often chosen for sleep machines. Additionally, light therapy is something that’s actually prescribed by doctors and therapists to help patient’s combat anxiety and stress.”

1. Sun

The exposure to sun boosts the vitamin D levels in our body, boosts the absorption of calcium, strengthens our bones and prevents issues like congestive heart failure, heart attacks, stroke, and other heart problems.

In it enough to spend at least 10 minutes in the sun in order to supply the body with the needed amount of this vitamin. The sun exposure also prevents autoimmune diseases and elevates the endorphin levels. However, in order to lower the risk of skin cancer, limit the exposure to excess sunlight, and always apply sunscreen before going out in the sun.

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2. Sand

The soles of our feet are the center of most of our nerve endings, so waking in the sand improves our mood and boosts the strength of the feet muscles. Moreover, walking on hard surface requires from 1.6 to 2.5 times less the energy than walking on sand barefoot.

According to Dr. Thierry M. Lejeune, M.D:

“More mechanical work is performed by our muscles, when we are walking or running on sand, compared to when we are walking or running on a hard surface.”

You will get rid of the dead skin cells, support the production of the new ones, and exfoliate the skin. You can also stimulate your metabolism by burying yourself into the sand, as the brain will increase the heart rate, believing that you weight more than you do.

3. Seawater

The seawater is abundant in minerals like iodine, potassium, and magnesium, which detoxify the body and treat infections. Moreover, the sounds of the waves stimulate the release of serotonin and dopamine, and the blue color is calming, boosting the mood.

The water contains salt, which heals cuts and sores, and fights acne, pimples, and blackheads, and exfoliates the scalp, and cleanses the hair oils.

Additionally, swimming is one of the most effective physical exercises that can help you stay in shape and fit, burning 414 calories per hour. It lowers stress and treats depression and anxiety.  Swimming will also relieve joint pain, lower the risk of chronic diseases, and soothe the symptoms of arthritis.

In the end, only a couple of hours spent at the beach will help you experience is a truly wonderful night’s sleep later. The beach is one of the most effective ways to solve the issue with insomnia.

This is mainly because the beach relieves three key factors that inhibit sleep: hormonal imbalances, high stress, and anxiety levels, and a lack of physical fatigue. Therefore, next time you have a day off or a few hours free, grab the swimsuit and go to the beach, to reap all these benefits, and enjoy the beauty of the place.


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