21 Super-Foods For Diabetics

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If you want to find the proper super-foods to incorporate into your diet, you need to know that you should search for foods that don’t have too much sugar in them. Increased sugar intake is just going to exhaust your body and promote weight gain.

This is why for today we’ve gathered a whopping 21 foods that you can incorporate into your lifestyle without worrying if they’re good for you or not because they for sure are!

If interested read all about it below.

21 Super-Foods

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is probably one of the most popular and widespread ingredients that millions of people across the globe know of and love. It can help you regulate your blood sugar and thanks to it you won’t have so much carb-craving. Go to the store and get some cider!

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate is the perfect substitute for when you’re experiencing sweet tooth. It can also help your system become more insulin-sensitive, as well as reduce insulin-resistance. It’s good for you, and it’s very delicious, why not try it out?


Blueberries not only are delicious, but they also help you reduce the risk of developing diabetes. They improve your insulin sensitivity and contain lots of fiber.  The recommended intake Is about a handful a day.


Raspberries are considered a super-food because they contain huge levels of vitamin C, are bit antioxidants, and contain lots of fiber as well. A handful of these a day can potentially keep the doctor away as well!

Red Onions

You can have them cooked, either way, red onions are incredibly beneficial for you since they’re packing folate, flavonoids, fiber, and potassium. Most home-cooked meals across the globe consist of onions as well, so you can cook up some pretty delicious food using them!


These veggies can be consumed either raw or fresh. Regardless of that, carrots pack lots of vitamin A, which is amazing for boosting up your entire system. Take a little bag of baby carrots with you to work and consume up to 15 to refresh your system.

Green Tea

Green tea is an incredible antioxidant that can help you get your system in check. If you want something stronger, get Matcha Green Tea, which is ten times stronger and is more effective than regular green tea.

Try to have at least one cup every day!


Packing omega-3, salmon can help you energize and rejuvenate your system. Make sure to look up some delicious recipes that incorporate this type of fish and enjoy a delicious meal that’s not only tasty but incredibly good for you.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is amazing to consume according to a lot of research. It contains calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D.

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If you’re experiencing a stomach ache, it’s a good idea to take a glass of Greek yogurt to take care of it fast!


Put some steel-cut oat in a bowl with warm water and let them turn softer. They are packing so much protein and are one of the best ingredients to incorporate into your diet.

You can add lots of interesting stuff to your oat bowl to make it exciting and delicious? Take some dried fruits and nuts to the bowl and enjoy a delicious, healthy meal.


Cinnamon is an incredible spice that you can use to regulate your blood sugar. You can drink it with water, tea, coffee, or add it to your dark chocolate drink. Make sure to get a daily dose of cinnamon if you’re struggling with blood sugar inconsistencies!


This is a very common spice that lots of people across the globe already put to some good use. You can add it to everything to experience the benefits of the curcumin inside the spice! It’s anti-inflammatory and a huge antioxidant as well.

Leafy Greens

Whether it’s kale, collard greens, or spinach, leafy greens are incredibly important and a staple to most diets across the globe. Nothing is going to refresh you as much as some greens will. Try to eat at least one bowl of salad containing any of the leafy greens we mentioned above.


Garlic regulates blood pressure and can help you out promote better heart health as well. It’s incredibly delicious, and you can use it as an addition to most home-cooked meals that you prepare! It’s a huge antioxidant that can help you regulate your entire system.


Flaxseeds contain lots of antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. They can help you regulate your entire system. Go to your local vitamin shop to get some flaxseed!


A handful of nuts is something that should be mandatory. Every person should make sure to consume the said amount. They’re incredible antioxidants and can help you refresh your entire system and boost your immune system. Best nuts to consume are pecans, cashews, and almonds.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a staple to every healthy diet. If you want to start incorporating it into your diet, make sure you take Extra Virgin olive oil. It should be organic. A good substitute for olive oil is coconut oil, which should also be organic and unrefined.

Coconut Oil

Speaking of coconut oil, this is one of those ingredients that you could use it for absolutely everything. Moisturizer, a part of your DIY hair mask, you name it. There are entire articles upon articles devoted to why you should use coconut oil into your diet.

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Bell Peppers

Beta-carotene, sweet peppers, you name it. Lower the risk of developing diabetes. Bell peppers are incredibly important to consume. You can consume them either raw or cooked, as long as you do!

Green Juice

Get all of the vitamins and other nutrients you need for an entire day by consuming a couple of serving of green juice every day!

This juice is recommended for people living with diabetes as well.


Coffee is a great antioxidant that you should consume but in limited amounts! Don’t go overboard. Don’t add any cream or sugars as well.

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