5 Ways to Remove Your Unwanted Body Hair Naturally

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Most people want to remove body hair that doesn’t look attractive. However, it turns out that removing unwanted hair can be costly. But, the good news is that there is a convenient, natural approach that relies on turmeric and raw papaya paste.

Simply mix the paste based on one peeled raw papaya and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Put this paste on the problematic area and wait for about 20 minutes. After that, wash the area with warm water. The final result is a hairless, smooth and rejuvenated skin.

Are you frustrated with your unwanted hair? Do you find frequent waxing expensive? In case the answers to these questions are affirmative, then you will be happy to hear that there are natural methods of removing and reducing unwanted hair.

The best part is that these natural approaches will probably help you avoid allergic reactions (rashes) and pain. In addition, they are excellent even for people with sensitive skin.

So, if you want to remove unwanted hair in a natural way, keep reading because we will present five natural remedies that can help you.

5 Incredible Home Methods to Remove/Reduce Unwanted Hair

1. Rose Water and Turmeric Paste

Turmeric is well-known for the antiseptic and antibacterial effects it brings, but it turns out that this spice can also prevent undesired hair growth. By adding some rose water to turmeric, you will create a paste that will unclog the pores too.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Some rose water
  • One or two teaspoons of turmeric powder (use a quantity that will help you cover the areas with unwanted hair)


  • Take a bowl and put the turmeric powder in it. Pour the rose water gradually. You should get a smooth paste.
  • Carefully rub the paste on the areas where you want to eliminate hair. Leave it until it dries – it should take about 20 minutes.
  • After that, wash the paste with the help of warm water. Your skin should be smooth.
  • Repeat this procedure one or two times a week.
  • If the hair is dense, replace rose water with gram flour.

2. Lemon, Honey and Sugar Paste

You have probably seen the wax used in beauty parlors, well lemon, honey and sugar can help you create a replacement for this wax. Sugar has a specific granular texture that helps it become an incredible, natural exfoliant. On the other hand, honey can help you create a paste.

Finally, the lemon juice is here to support bleaching – it will make the color of your hair lighter.

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Keep in mind that this natural remedy can cause some pain because it works in the same fashion like waxing.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • One bowl of water
  • One teaspoon of lemon juice
  • One bowl of cornstarch
  • One teaspoon of honey
  • One tablespoon of sugar


  • Take all the ingredients and mix them in a vessel that allows heating.
  • Use a low flame to heat this mixture. After a short period of time, you’ll see that the sugar is melting gradually and creating a thick paste.
  • Pour some water to this newly formed paste in case it’s too thick or one or two teaspoons of cornstarch in case it’s very thin.
  • Slowly use some cornstarch on the problematic areas.
  • Gently blow on the paste and use it directly on the skin in the same direction as the hair grows.
  • Take a cloth and pat it firmly on the skin. After that, rip it off quickly.

3. Lentil and Potato Paste

It seems that lentils and potatoes are a great combination for hair removal and bleaching.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • One bowl of yellow lentils
  • One bowl of potatoes (peeled and crushed)
  • Four tablespoons of lemon juice
  • One tablespoon of honey


  • Leave the lentils in water overnight and ground them in the morning in order to create a paste.
  • Take a cloth or sieve and put the crushed and peeled potatoes on it to extract the juice.
  • Add the potato juice, lemon juice, and honey to the paste and mix everything well.
  • Use the paste on the areas where you want to eliminate unwanted hair. Leave the paste for about 20 minutes.
  • Use your finger to rub off the dry paste. The hair should be removed too.

4. Raw Papaya and Turmeric Paste

Raw papaya is loaded with papain, an enzyme which limits hair growth by affecting hair follicles. In addition, papaya is an excellent natural exfoliant and aids people’s efforts to remove dead skin cells. If turmeric is added to raw papaya, you can expect even better results.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Raw papaya
  • Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder


  • Take the papaya, peel it and grind it. You should get a paste. Put one or two teaspoons of this paste in a clean bowl and leave the rest aside.
  • Mix the turmeric powder with the paste placed in the bowl.
  • Rub the parts of the body where you want to eliminate hair with the help of this paste. Leave the paste for 20 minutes.
  • Use warm water to wash the area.
  • Repeat this procedure two times a week.
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5. Cornstarch and Egg Paste


Only a small number of people know that egg whites can act as hair removal agents too due to their sticky properties. Mixing it with cornstarch can help people remove almost every body hair. Don’t forget that this procedure can be a little bit painful.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Half a tablespoon of cornstarch
  • One egg
  • One tablespoon of sugar


  • Take the egg and break it carefully. Remove the white.
  • Pour the sugar and corn flour to the egg white in a clean bowl. After that, stir everything well in order to get a paste.
  • Use this paste on the problematic areas and leave it for about 25 minutes.
  • Use a quick motion to peel off this paste.
  • Perform this procedure at least two times a week.

Feel free to try any of these efficient, natural home remedies to reduce and/or remove undesired hair on any body part.

Source: Cure Joy

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