How To Remove Waste From Your Colon Quickly and Safely – Recipe

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Despite its primary role to eliminate waste from the body, the coon is extremely important for our overall health as well.  It also ensures that toxins, pesticides and other harmful chemicals leave the body.

According to Dr.Axe:

“The colon is home to billions of microflora (bacteria) that actually make up approximately 70 percent of the dry weight of feces. Besides forming stool, the various beneficial bacterial organisms living within the colon and digestive tract are important for proper nutrient absorption, maintaining pH balance, controlling hunger and counteracting potentially dangerous bacteria. This is why a well-functioning colon is so important for overall well-being.”

Therefore, if the colon is not functioning well, these toxins can accumulate in the body, get absorbed into the walls of the colon, and enter the bloodstream. The processed foods, additives, refined sugars, and chemicals that enter our body on a daily basis, put a huge burden on our colon, and make us prone to dangerous bacteria.

In case you experience any of the following symptoms, your body craves for detoxification in order to restore its optimal function and get things moving regularly again:

  • Fatigue
  • Irregular bowel movement
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Indigestion
  • Frequent loose stools

Dr.Axe explains:

“First and foremost, bear in mind that the single best way to detox and cleanse the colon is by removing harmful substances in your diet and eating nutrient-dense, real foods.

Packaged foods, fast foods, processed snacks and artificial ingredients (high fructose syrups, hydrogenated oils, dangerous food dyes, fake seasonings, MSG or preservatives) all make it harder for the digestive system to work properly and raise inflammation in the colon. The kinds of foods you want to eat for optimal colon health include:

  • fermented foods that contain probiotics (yogurt, cultured veggies like kimchi or sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha)
  • high-fiber foods like seeds, leafy greens, and other fresh veggies
  • fresh fruit (especially berries, or apples and pears, which contain pectin fiber)
  • bone broth
  • healthy fats like coconut or extra virgin olive oil, plus avocados (very high in electrolytes and fiber)
  • veggie-based soups, smoothies, and salads are high in fiber and water, plus easy to digest”

The following natural juice will help you eliminate the accumulated waste from your colon and help the digestive process:

3 Juice Colon Cleanse- Recipe


  • 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon ginger juice
  • 1/2 cup organic apple juice
  • 1/2 cup warm, purified water
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt


Warm 3.5 ounces of purified water in a pan, and when warm, pour it into a tall glass. Add the sea salt, stir, and pour the apple juice, ginger juice, and fresh lemon juice.

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You should drink this juice on an empty stomach in the morning, once again before a light lunch, and in the mid-afternoon.


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