Doctors Explain 3 Things You Need To Be Truly Healthy

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“There’s nothing more important than our good health – that’s our principal capital asset.” – Arlen Specter

Plenty of websites and magazines have all kinds of ideas on how to boost your health and make you feel better. Not all of those are grounded in anything real, however. Experts have come together to start discussing the real way to help boost your health and make you feel great. Health is more than just our physical bodies. To be completely healthy, we need to take care of our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.

The truth is, spiritual health is inextricably connected to mental, emotional, social, and even physical health. When our spirit is healthy, our body is healthier, our brain is healthier, our relationships are healthier. Our entire soul is healthier,” says psychologist and author Dr. Christina Hibbert.

Taking care of ourselves in all three parts will make sure that we live long, healthy and happy existences. Experts in health all agree that making sure to take care of ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually will give us a positive boost to our health. Here are the top three ways to make a positive change in your health by making sure to cover all areas of your body and mind.

Here Are 3 Positive Ways To Boost Your Health

1. Take Care Of Your Mental Health

Many people tend to forget their mental health when it comes to staying healthy. More so, many people don’t really know what taking care of their mental health means, entirely. Stress is something that can cause a lot of physical manifestations of illness, as well as mental manifestations. Negative emotions and energy can often get caught in a feedback loop. So, what is the best way to take care of your mental health?

First, find a support network. Whether it’s your family or your friends, or even a therapist, finding a support network is the best thing to start getting your mental health taken care of. Secondly, try meditation. Whether or not you believe it will help, sitting down with yourself and taking sometimes to sit with your emotions can do wonders for your mental state. Meditation is one of the best ways that experts have pinpointed in being able to keep your mind healthy.

Mindfulness meditation training is a relatively inexpensive and low-stigma treatment approach, and these findings strengthen the case that it can improve resilience to stress,” says Elizabeth A. Hoge, MD.

All you have to do is spend some time with yourself and your thoughts every day, for just a few minutes, to help you center your mind and de-stress.

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2. Take Care Of Your Body

Experts have long been telling people to take care of their bodies and the rest will follow. Now, however, we know that physical health is only one part of keeping our whole selves healthy. Still, it is an incredibly important part that we don’t want to discredit. If you don’t know where to begin with taking care of your body, all you need to know are these key components: eat healthily, move your body and get enough rest. Taking care of your physical health really is that easy!

Eat balanced meals with all of the nutrients you need, and try to cut back on fast food. Drink water every day to stay hydrated. Move your body by doing exercise at least one hour every week. Taking care of your body by eating healthy and staying active is just one part of the rich tapestry of our lives.

Foods which have Vitamin B-12 and Omega 3 fatty acids keep up the levels of mood-regulating chemicals in the brain. Getting enough rest is also important; it is when we sleep that the body is able to heal its daily wear and tear,” adds the White Swan Foundation.

Just focusing on your mental health isn’t enough to stay entirely healthy, and neither is just focusing on your physical health. Keep your body healthy by making healthy food choices, exercising and getting a good night’s sleep!

3. Take Care Of Your Spirit

What does it mean to keep your spirit healthy, and what does that have to do with the overall positive benefits to your health? Keeping your spirit healthy is more important than you may think. It doesn’t have anything to do with spirituality or religion, though many people do find comfort and positivity in looking towards their spirituality when it comes to keeping their spirit healthy and taken care of.

Taking care of your spirit means focusing on how you’re connected with the world around you, and the people that you have in your life. It’s important to maintain this connection for your own health because otherwise, you would become isolated. Understanding your own values, and keeping a spiritual connection with those values, will give you a greater sense of peace and balance in your life.

When we neglect our spirit, it shows up in other areas of our life, whether we notice it or not. Taking care of our spirit makes all areas of life a little better,” adds Dr. Hibbert.

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Final thoughts

Health is something that many people understand only at the surface level: eat well and exercise. There are so many more ways to boost your health and make you feel energized, positive, and connected with the world around you in a healthy manner. Experts agree that nurturing your mind, body, and soul is the only way to boost your health.


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