20 Foods That Relieve Constipation

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Constipation is very real for many people but is rarely discussed openly. What most people fail to understand is that a basic shift in their diet can eliminate these constipated feelings forever.

Foods To Relieve Constipation

We really are what we eat. The foods we consume can either build us up or back us up. If you’ve ever dealt with this issue in the bathroom, you certainly know this to be true.

If you’re ready to treat constipation, read on for 20 superfoods that will do just that.

1. Olives And Olive Oil

Did you know the cure for constipation was sitting in your pantry?

If you have olives or olive oil on hand, you’ll be able to stimulate your body’s production of bile juice. This extra bile will help your body better digest food.

The entire process helps remove toxins when excreting as well.

Take advantage of these constipation-boosting benefits by ingesting at least one teaspoon of this oil a day. 

2. Dark Chocolate

Many people often hear that dark chocolate is healthy, but few realize all the amazing benefits of eating dark chocolate. With dark chocolate, you’ll be able to boost your body’s intake of magnesium.

The magnesium will work to loosen the muscles in the digestive tract (as well as the rest of your body). This helps to improve your go and reduce the risk of you becoming constipated.

Try to look for a chocolate bar that is all-natural made with 72% cocoa. The purer the dark chocolate, the better you’ll be able to enjoy its benefits and relieve constipation.

3. Flaxseed Oil

While consuming flax seeds will bulk up your stool, the flaxseed oil acts as a laxative, working to promote regularity with your stool. Take the flaxseed oil before eating anything to maximize its benefits when treating constipation.

4. Radishes

If you’ve never found a reason to eat radishes before, relieving constipated feelings is certainly a good one. This vegetable has the unique benefits of detoxifying the liver and boosting the body’s peristalsis process.

Peristalsis is the contraction and relaxation of your intestines. Thus, if you find yourself struggling with your bowel movements, adding radishes to your diet should do the trick.

5. Prunes

Prunes have long since been considered the go-to food for constipation. By making prunes a regular part of your diet, you’ll be able to ensure that you remain regular.

If you’re feeling backed up, eat a few prunes at breakfast and again before bed. The more prunes you eat, the more regular you will be.

However, make sure to drink a fair amount of water as you consume these prunes. Since prunes are a great source of diet, they are quite effective as laxatives.

6. Yogurt

While not every yogurt will possess laxative qualities, there are certain types that will help improve your go. Homemade organic yogurts have a significant amount of probiotics.

In addition to improving the health of your gut, this kind of yogurt will help to boost your regularity. 

7. Fermented Vegetables

Though many people don’t relate fermented veggies with regularity, the truth is that these veggies are higher in fiber, as well as-as being rich in probiotics.

Vegetables like kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles are some of the best foods to use to relieve your bathroom issues.

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While you can buy these fermented vegetables in the store, you may get the best benefit from vegetables that you ferment yourself. Brining these veggies on your own will ensure that they are full of powerful intestinal enzymes and microorganisms that improve your go.

8. Leafy Greens

Ever been told to eat your greens? If you’re constantly dealing with being backed up, it’s likely that you need more greens in your life.

Leafy greens like kale, beet greens, collard greens, bok choy, and watercress are all excellent options if you are in need of relief.

Packed with lots of phytonutrients, these leafy greens are sure to give you a fresh dose of dietary fiber and magnesium. Eaten fresh, these greens provide you with the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients, which will work to keep you healthier overall.

9. Sweet Potatoes With Skins

While some people tend to avoid potatoes due to their starch content, sweet potatoes have a serious number of health benefits, one of which includes boosting one’s fiber intake.

With 4.8 grams of fiber, sweet potatoes are a very healthy way to treat constipation.

Cook your sweet potatoes in the oven or boil them to take advantage of their powerful health benefits. If you want to keep this meal as healthy as possible, steer clear of frying them and be sure to consume the potatoes with the skin on.

10. Nuts

From walnuts to peanuts, to Brazil nuts, this superfood offers you a multitude of options if you ever need to improve your ability to go.

While nuts are rather high in calories, they are just as high in fiber. If you’re really struggling to go, grabbing a handful of nuts should help you release sooner rather than later.

11. Pears, Apples, And Fruits

Whole fruit is another must if you’re in need of fiber. With pears, apples, and plums, you have a lot of high fiber options as their skins contain a significant amount of the fiber pectin.

Uncooked pears provide 4.4 grams of fiber and an apple with the skin on offers 3.3 grams of fiber. While cooking these fruits will still provide you with nutrients, you’ll benefit the most from these three fruits if you eat them raw.

12. Broccoli

Broccoli is another superfood that is high in fiber. If you are a fan of uncooked broccoli, this is the best way for you to take advantage of its fiber content.

Though cooking the broccoli will limit the amount of fiber you consume, consider baking, broiling, or steaming your broccoli if you must.

13. Cereal

Cereal is often seen as being starchy and loaded with carbs and sugar, but there are a few high fiber cereal options that will help improve your constipation.

While fiber-filled cereals in the past have tasted like cardboard, these days there are a wide variety of tasty cereals to choose from. Consider cereals with wheat bran or flaxseed to ensure that you get a hearty dose of fiber.

14. Whole Grain Bread

Whole grain bread isn’t just healthier than the white alternative.

Low in fat and high in soluble fiber and complex carbs, whole grain bread is the perfect solution for anyone searching for a bit of relief. Once you start eating whole grain bread on a regular basis, you’ll find that you’re able to use the bathroom with ease.

15. Dried Fruits

Apricots, figs, and dates are all dried fruits that will help relieve you in the event that you are backed up. Just as prunes have long since been a go-to for this condition, these other fruits all provide the same function.

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Whether you consume these fruits as part of trail mix or you eat them by themselves, you’ll find that the more they become a staple in your diet, the easier it will be to use the bathroom.

16. Legumes

Many people opt to add legumes in their diet to improve their protein intake, but there are many more benefits to eating beans. With kidney, navy, Lima, and pinto beans as a steady part of most of your meals, you’ll find that you’ll rarely experience any constipated feelings.

As versatile as legumes are, there are several ways you can consume them on a regular basis. Whether you like to eat rice and beans or you try your hand at making a bean burger, eating more legumes will do your body good.

17. Popcorn

While popcorn is usually thought to be a buttery, sugary, movie companion, it’s much more than that. Popcorn often catches most people by surprise once they learn that this is a high-fiber food.

Low in calories and rather filling, popcorn is an all-around healthy snack that fits in with many people’s dietary restrictions.

Whether you cook your popcorn on the stove or in a microwave, eating popcorn by itself is a good way to get things flowing in the bathroom.

18. Bananas And Raspberries

Superfoods like raspberries and bananas are packed with fiber. As half a cup of fresh raspberries contains 2 grams of fiber, this fruit is the perfect snack for satiating hunger and keeping you regular.

Bananas are also an excellent option. As they contain magnesium and potassium, they are a popular choice for anyone needing to go to the bathroom with ease.

19. Wheatgrass Or Barley

Adding barley or wheatgrass to your daily diet will keep your regular. Do so by blending three teaspoons of the barley or wheat grass into the water.

Take this serving once or twice a day to keep things consistent. While this beverage may not be particularly tasty, it will benefit your intestinal tract and improve regularity.

20. Water

While water isn’t necessarily a food, it is the source of all life. Staying hydrated is one of the most important ways to keep yourself from becoming backed up.

Ideally, drink between eight and 12 8oz glasses of water a day. The more hydrated you are, the better your body will function.

Final Thoughts On Foods To Relieve Constipation

The food you eat must come out. To ensure that this digestion process culminates as simply as possible, make sure the foods you’re eating keep you regular and healthy.

These 20 tips will help relieve constipation and keep you as healthy as possible. Even if you don’t try all of these foods, make it a point to supplement your diet with a few and see how they improve your life.


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