Lift Your Buttocks with These Five Simple Moves

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3. Curtsy lunge

Not only does this movement target your buttocks muscles, but it also works your quadriceps and hamstrings — a three-for-one move, says Calabrese.

How to do it

Begin with your feet in a parallel position at feet width, a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level. Bend your front knee and step the opposite leg backwards and across the center of the body, bending both knees at a 90° angle. Return to your initial position and complete the repetitions on one leg, subsequently switching sides. Do two sets of ten repetitions on each leg.

Lift Your Butt with These Five Simple Moves - Curtsy Lunge

4. Clam shell cheek squeeze

You have seen the “Glute Bridge” before— but we’ve improved it by adding an extra movement: You lift and tighten your buttocks even faster. As a bonus, your hams too, will get a killer burn.

How to do it

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and the knees together. Lift your glutes into a bridge position.

Once your hips are raised, come up onto the balls of the feet. (The heels stay lifted for the duration of this exercise.) Open the knees to the side, glutes raised and heels together. Pause for ten seconds, then bring knees back together.

Complete the repetitions then lower your buttocks for a rest before moving onto the next set. Do three sets of ten repetitions. For best effect, keep the big toes on the ground and the heels together.

Lift Your Butt with These Five Simple Moves - Clam Shell Cheek Squeeze

5. Side/back lunge

One of the great things about glute exercises is their versatility, especially with combo moves that work different areas simultaneously.

This exercise is such a one, says Calabrese; it not only targets the outer glutes but also hits the lower area, near the hams — the area you want to lift the most.

How to do it

Start in the same position as for the previous movement. Step one leg to the side, bending the knee 90°, knee directly over toes. Lower the glutes back and down, keeping the opposite leg as straight as possible. Push off with the bent leg, then return to a standing position. Step straight back on the leg with which you lunged, bending both knees 90°, front knee directly above toes, then push off the floor with the back leg and return to your initial position.

Complete reps for one side and do the other. Do two sets of ten repetitions on each leg.

Lift Your Butt with These Five Simple Moves - Side-Back Lunge

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